
Dear NeurOptimal® Trainers

Dear NeurOptimal® Trainers, I have been watching, reading and listening to the many comments about NO3 and the experiences that a few people are having with their clients.  As many of you know our actions as a Trainer can and will affect our clients, from subtle facial expressions (“hmmm…why did ‘it’ (NO3) do that”) to more overt statements, “I am not sure what is happening here” or “That’s weird, I would have thought the Interruptions would...

How NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback Training Boosts Creativity, Flexibility and Resilience – A Podcast by Catherine Boyer, MA, LCSW

On this podcast Catherine Boyer, MA, LCSW discusses how the NeurOptimal® brain training system enhances flexibility and resilience so that your maladaptive behaviors are modified in your favor. Catherine is an expert NeurOptimal® trainer who helps clients learn how to run their brains and nervous systems more efficiently. This allows you to become aware of additional choices in your life and create new levels of balanced awareness; giving you heightened levels of effectiveness and...

Shhh… Want to Take a Peek Inside the NeurOptimal® System?

Zengar has been developing a Neurofeedback system for years that they have referred to as a non-linear dynamical approach to brain training. But what in the world does that mean? It is sometimes difficult to call this system ‘neurofeedback’, because this educational brain training program has very little in common with the linear approach that so many people understand as neurofeedback. It helps to understand a little more about the brain. The brain is ever-changing. Neuroplasticity...

Neurofeedback Helps Veteran Win the War on PTSD

  Fear is fun. The experience of fright in a safe environment - a Halloween haunted house or movie theater – elicits excitement followed by a critical release of primal emotion.  But what if catharsis never materializes? What if one were permanently locked in a state of adrenal fight or flight?  For PTSD sufferers, this constant state of alert is their life. Like a mousetrap, terror enters the brain but cannot find an exit. Life...

Brain Training Among Best Natural Remedies for Migraines Says Psychologist

Migraines are more than just a headache -- they are a global health issue. 30 million people are directly affected and migraines cost employers $13 billion every year in lost worker productivity. That's more than diabetes and asthma combined. For many sufferers, attacks are completely debilitating and can last as long as 72 hours. Unfortunately, the Migraine Research Foundation estimates that the majority of migrainers never seek medical treatment. That may be because the medications involved can cause side-effects worse then...

natural remedies for insomnia by ed omalley

Insomnia and Brain Health: The Neurofeedback Connection

It only seems appropriate to close out Insomnia Awareness Month by interviewing neuroscientist and certified sleep medicine specialist, Dr. Edward O'Malley of Fairfield, Connecticut.  He has utilized NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback as a cornerstone of his practice for many years now. Basically, Dr. O'Malley is so good at his job that he puts people to sleep; and that's a good thing. The vast majority of clients who darken his doors are staring at the ceiling most of the night.

Flood of Interest in NeurOptimal®‘s Unique Neurofeedback System

Southern California is currently in the throes of a serious drought. But on September 26th, there was an unexpected flood. The deluge came in the form of people: hyper-ambitious, self-improvement-types gathered from all over the world to sample the latest human performance technologies at the BulletProof executive's "Biohacking Conference" in Pasadena, California. But of all the vendors offering superfoods, health-boosting tips and digital gadgetry, the brain training system offered by NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback generated perhaps the...

Neurofeedback Training Lifts Crossfit Champ to Victory

Steve Hamming is a Mad Man. He works out every day. He adheres to a disciplined Paleo diet, free of processed sugars and high-fat foods. He is the fittest 55-59 year old man in American according to Crossfit. And that's just what he does for fun! In "real life", Steve is a professional psychotherapist who recently took up a business partnership with veteran NeurOptimal® neurofeedback trainer Molly Raaymakers in Western Michigan. And that's when things...

What Is Neurofeedback Training “Like”? Think of It as Netflix for Your Brain

What is neurofeedback? Go ahead, log into Netflix. See there the rows of recommendations? That’s not magic: that’s an algorithm. Netflix “remembers” what you watched, how you rated past films, then correlates that data against your viewing habits.  A blink-of-an-eye search of the media database then produces “recommendations” based on your preferences. So the algorithm saves precious hours of your life and spares your eyeballs having to scroll through the 100,000 available titles. Thanks, Netflix! ...

Accidents Will Happen: Neurofeedback and TBI

If you think about it, it’s clearly a serious design flaw. When is it a good idea to put something the consistency of flan in a hard shell, and then attach it to a fistful of bungie-cords. And what happens when this precarious design hits a wall? That’s the mess you’re in for when a person experiences a traumatic brain injury or TBI. The flan (brain) whips around on the end of the bungie-cord (neck) torqueing the...

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