NeurOptimal® has been designed as a ‘self-empowerment’ learning program with webinars, written information and videos to help you along the way. Follow this simple checklist to gain knowledge towards an optimal outcome for yourself, your family, your existing clients or for starting a new business.
Register your new system. Click here for instructions.
The Discover NeurOptimal® tab on the website gives you short written information on several topics from what the process is, how it works, what the brain & NeurOptimal® have in common, to Sessions & effects. These can be useful as reference material as you start your business and will help you educate others about Dynamical Neurofeedback®.
Take a few minutes to explore the private, elite PASS section of the website. Your username and password were sent in one of the earliest emails you received after completing your purchase. If you have lost your PASS username or password please contact: [email protected].
Join us on our NeurOptimal® Community page! This is a private Facebook page for interactive communication between Trainers and current company announcements. A great way to stay in contact with our Community of Trainers.

Free Learning
Video Tutorials
On Demand Webinars
- New User (77 Min) (EN) (FR)
- Getting to Know NeurOptimal® (40Min) (EN) (FR)
- The Science Behind NeurOptimal® (1 hour 5 minutes)
- Starting a Successful Business (5.5 Hours / 4 Parts)
- Building Your NeurOptimal® Rental Business

Helpful Documents & Tools
- Consent Forms (EN) (FR)
- Dynamical/Linear Systems (EN) (FR)
- NeurOptimal® E-book (EN) (FR)
- Feedback Loop (EN) (FR)
- How do I register my new device (EN) (FR)
- My Journal Checklist (EN) (FR)
- My Journal Tracker (EN) (FR)
- NeurOptimal® Getting Started Manual (EN) (FR)
- New Consultation Flip Book (EN) (FR)
- System Maintenance (EN) (FR)
- Tech Self-Help (EN) (FR)
- The 5 Circles of Marketing (EN) (FR)
Want some extra helpful videos?
Visit our Tech Tips page for even more free learning and content to help you on your journey!

Tips & Tricks
General System Information
NeurOptimal® has been designed specifically to run within the Microsoft operating system. As such, all Microsoft products will work in harmony with NeurOptimal®. However, other programs and apps may attempt to address the video and audio components of the system in ways that may impair NeurOptimal®‘s ability to function properly.
Clicking on the ESET icon in the toolbar will expose the License expiration date. New systems include a 12-month anti-virus license and PASS membership includes free anti-virus renewals. Renewals require a ZenConnect session to process.

For instructions and information on your system’s warranty you can visit our System Warranty Instructions page.
Please do not change the default language within Windows. NeurOptimal® software is written in English and runs within the English version of Windows. Changing Windows to any other language will break some of the communication between the program and the operating system and require a ZenConnect session to remedy.
Asking Windows to restore to a prior date will require a ZenConnect session to remedy some date control issues. Should you feel this is required please connect to a ZenConnect prior to executing this and allow the Techs to confirm and help.
Thought from the Education Team
Avoid over intervention – ‘more is not always better’, too many different types of intervention in short intervals can be counter-productive. To learn more take our certification courses and learn about “Control Procedures of a Dynamical System."
Have you purchased a system to rent to others?
Discover resources to help you get started with your rental business.
BEGIN YOUR RENTAL JOURNEYHave you received a rental system from a provider?
Discover some helpful tips, documents, and videos just for Renters!
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs about Sessions
Do not expect anything, training is different for everyone and expecting something specific to happen decreases the ability to see shifts in other areas happening. Some people will notice a shift or change after the first Session whereas others may not notice a shift for several Sessions. Sometimes a spouse or family member may notice changes before you feel the change. Depending on how in-tune you are to your body will partly determine how you notice shifts. The important part is let go of any expectations and be happily surprised as you journey through the process.
Try to rely on how you are feeling and what your preferences are as you schedule sessions. The Session frequency can be determined due to your time frame and is always determined by ‘how you feel about doing the next Session’. One of our founders, Susan Dermit Brown, Ph.D, says “when you think you do not have time for a Session that is the best time to do a Session”.
Meaning, if I have migraines (or ADHD, or high blood pressure or whatever…) how many total number of Sessions do I need to complete to witness change? There is no set number of Sessions suggested for any diagnosis, we do not change protocols for any symptoms or diagnosis. NeurOptimal® is diagnostically agnostic and we rely solely on the users shifts and self-awareness to drive the Session count. We do the same regular 33-minute Session, whether you are with a therapist, renting a system for home use or you have purchased a system. It is not necessary to do 2 or 3 a day, in this case more is not always better. This is a training program for optimal performance and therefore not considered a treatment model, just using the system is the important part.
We empower the client (end-user) to determine when they are finished with doing Sessions. Most individuals will begin to ‘feel’ they do not need to do a Session so frequently, or perhaps not at all for a while. When people are basing their decisions on how they feel they will also know when they want to go back and do another Session. in the beginning though it may be necessary to calendar your Session times.
Within the NeurOptimal® software you have options of Regular or Extended or Demo length Sessions. Although, each of these options have a purpose, the only one we recommend using on yourself is the ‘Regular’ 33-minute Session. Here again, MORE IS NOT ALWAYS BETTER.
Monitoring shifts
This process is like learning to read. It is a training program that the more you use the program, the more apparent the shifts will be. The shifts have occurred as a way of moving away from discomfort. Because this is the natural way the central nervous system functions, your body remembers this feeling and duplicates it. It is possible during different periods in your life that you will want added booster Sessions or possibly just continue to maintain this feeling of mental flexibility on a long-term basis. You make those decisions as you notice these changes and how they play out in your life.
This process is like learning to read. It is a Training program that the more you use the program the more apparent the shifts will be. The shifts have occurred as a way of moving away from discomfort. Because this is the natural way the CNS functions your body remembers this feeling and duplicates it. It is possible during different periods in your life you will want added booster sessions or possibly just continue to maintain this feeling of mental flexibility on a long-term basis. As you notice these changes and how they play out in your life you make those decisions.
We suggest you use the tracking tools that Zengar® provides to all new users. These documents help you pay attention to some of the subtle details that could possibly be shifting as you train. You may need to experience many small shifts before the one big change that you want to happen actually occurs. Such as, you may notice falling asleep quicker or staying asleep longer before you notice you wake feeling refreshed.
Video recording yourself from the start of your journey and throughout will give you visual evidence things are changing, the expression on your face, your posture with shoulders held tightly high, or perhaps the speed of your voice. All very subtle shifts that impact your daily life.
Sessions and Training
Because NeurOptimal® is a training program, we do not need to know your age, gender, diagnosis, or symptoms. The software is not pushing or pulling the user to any specific “norm” understanding that everyone is different, so everyone’s response is their own journey away from discomfort.
We recommend you do what feels comfortable to you! Some people enjoy laying back and relaxing (maybe even sleeping), while others will read a book, or play a game. Some continue to work on their computer and therefore use it as they work their workday. We highly suggest you do not move around a lot, raising your arm to turn the page is not a problem, doing jumping jacks or walking is a problem.
We do not recommend you do any other processes that will instill a strong vibration (like PEMF mats) or frequencies (like binaural beats, or light/sound programs). NeurOptimal® is a training program and therefore will compete against these other entrainment or migration systems. In effect, NeurOptimal® is attempting to allow you to learn how to be in a better place while other systems are forcing you to a place, they believe is best for you.
NeurOptimal® is considered neurofeedback, it measures the electrical current that is emitted from the scalp and through a mathematical process called Joint Time-Frequency Analysis (JTFA) it measures movement (transitions). When the central nervous system (CNS) recognizes the differences in the electrical current (the interruptions in the music) as ‘information’ the CNS uses that information to move away from discomfort. The more the CNS moves and learns from that information the less likely it will return to past behaviors.
We have mentioned above we are a training program, not a treatment program. This literally means that for you to gain the personal transformation that you want and to feel the changes in your life, you must train. A treatment process instills or injects something into the body to direct change and then changes that again if they are not getting the desired effects.
No, we have had clients that have used the NeurOptimal® system while pregnant, then on their newborns, on children, teens, young adults, adults and on the elderly. Some clients use this process on their animals: dogs, cats and even horses. Because it is Training there are no problems with any age group using it although, all journeys (experiences) vary in the speed and shifts that occur. We do all know change is inevitable, so changing with NeurOptimal® is bound to design a more flexible and resilient journey than without NeurOptimal®.
The underlying software of NeurOptimal® is primarily the same with the limited license vs. the unlimited license. The only real difference is the number of Sessions on the tablet. A limited license is coming to you with a preliminary 100 Sessions. Should you want to do more Sessions after that initial 100 Sessions you will need to order more online from our website. With the unlimited license you will always be able to use all the Sessions you want, whether sharing with family members, friends, or even starting your own business at some point.
The mathematics built within this software process will measure electrical activity if it is hooked up to an animal, a child, an adult or even in mid-air. There is no check to confirm placement on the head as that process would require the system to push a minimal amount of electric current through the scalp for this confirmation. Of course, the training will only help someone when the sensors are pasted to the scalp, however, the software will run and attempt to do its job even without the sensors placed.
Listen to the co-founders below
Side-effects come from something that has physiologically induced change, i.e., medication, entrainment, or vibration/electrical stimulation.
NeurOptimal® does not ‘induce’ or force changes. Therefore, when someone has an experience that was ‘powerful’ and creates a shift it is more like a ‘side journey’ as Dr. Val Brown calls it. Our natural body notices and responds to the shifts and changes. Someone might respond to the perceived changes using ‘old patterns’ due to fear, anxiety, or any other felt experience. Since we do not ‘augment or inhibit’ specific protocols/frequencies like other Linear systems we do not ‘force’ any change.
In the early days when our founders were creating the dynamical process, they were the first in the field to acknowledge 3 hz as a ‘trauma’ frequency. It is imperative to understand the biggest reason they created this process was to ‘train’ away from any ‘side-effects’ that the Linear field was possibly inducing. They discovered that everyone was different and moving someone towards a ‘norm’ of what a clinician deems the best state or frequency for all was not in anyone’s best interest. The central nervous system shifts and responds as it witnesses information, and although the CNS may take a ‘side journey’ the body will instinctively recognize that the old patterns have no function in their lives any longer. So, they quickly get on a path of ‘personal transformation’. Susan Dermit Brown, Ph. D shares her motto of ‘keep on keeping on’, meaning continue with ‘calm assertiveness’ as Valdeane W. Brown, Ph. D, says and the Sessions will continue to train towards flexibility and resilience.
Additional Support
For technical questions you can visit our Technical Support Page.
If you were guided to your system by a Representative of NeurOptimal® you can consult with them or you can reach out to [email protected] and we will be happy to assist in any way we can.
What is NeurOptimal®?
Discover what NeurOptimal® is, how it works and how it can work for you with our FREE Getting to Know NeurOptimal® Webinar!