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Unlocking Potential: The Power of NeurOptimal® for Children

Unlocking Potential: The Power of NeurOptimal® for Children In a world where the challenges facing children seem to multiply by the day, my journey with NeurOptimal® neurofeedback has illuminated a path of profound transformation. For over two decades, I have witnessed firsthand the remarkable impact of NeurOptimal® on my own child and others. Early Beginnings: A Journey of Growth My experience with NeurOptimal® began long before I became a parent myself. Over the years, I ran Sessions consistently,...

The Impact of Financial Uncertainty on the Brain and Why Brain Training is no Longer a Luxury

The Impact of Financial Uncertainty on the Brain and Why Brain Training is no Longer a Luxury In today’s rapidly changing world, financial uncertainty has become a common challenge for many. From fluctuating markets to unexpected expenses to the impact of inflation on everyday products and services, the stress associated with financial instability can take a significant toll on our mental health. But did you know that it can also physically affect your brain? Understanding...

Calm Minds Save Lives: NeurOptimal® and First Responders

Calm Minds Save Lives: NeurOptimal® and First Responders Our First Responders are all heroes and deserve to have access to the most effective wellness solutions available today. We need to show these incredibly special people how much we appreciate them, these heroes who care for us every day. They sacrifice so much for us. They keep our communities safe and save lives, sometimes at the expense of their own mental health. This is the story of how...

Sleep and Brain Health: The Neurofeedback Connection

  Sleep and Brain Health: The Neurofeedback Connection According to the National Institutes of Health, insomnia is the most common sleep disorder,1 with at least 30% of adults experiencing short-term insomnia and roughly 10% of people experiencing long-lasting insomnia.2 Recent studies show extended sleep deprivation can have serious consequences for one’s health; most especially one’s brain health.3 Dr. O'Malley states that while pharmaceuticals provide a temporary solution, there is a significant risk of developing addiction with certain...

The Power of Mind & Spirit: A Neurofeedback Story

I am Tetsuya Sugihara. A regional manager of Nagoya, Japan, and a business partner of Rumi Suzuki. She is a pioneer who introduced NeurOptimal to Japan. I previously worked for pharmaceutical industry as a sales representative for 20+ years. And by Rumi I then came across a wonderful technology, NeurOptimal; a technology which helps 'mind and brain' & 'consciousness and spirit', which has a very practical effect on improving quality of life and relief from...

The Trainer’s Role with NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback in the Client’s Transformational Process

With the increasing rise in mainstream popularity of mindfulness and meditation, and books like “Stealing Fire” among others, we are also seeing an increase in interest in the use of technology as a tool to assist those pursuing that path. The options available are many and growing, from meditation apps, to all sorts of biofeedback devices, float tanks, binaural beats, flashing lights etc. and of course neurofeedback. There is a growing movement called “Consciousness Hacking” devoted...

Assisting Children with Learning and Focus: Using NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback

cliquez ici pour le français A common scenario in many households is a child struggling with homework and a parent's frustration escalating. The child expresses difficulty thinking and feeling overwhelmed, while the parent demands completion before allowing any outside time. The child's negative self-talk reinforces feelings of inadequacy and being unable to keep up with others. If you can relate to this situation, consider exploring NeurOptimal®. This 33-minute brain training program is highly specialized...

Aider les enfants à apprendre et à se concentrer : L’utilisation du Neurofeedback NeurOptimal®

Un scénario courant dans de nombreux foyers est celui d'un enfant qui a du mal à faire ses devoirs et d'un parent dont la frustration s'accroît. L'enfant exprime des difficultés à réfléchir et se sent dépassé, tandis que le parent exige que l'enfant termine ses devoirs avant de lui accorder du temps à l'extérieur. La perception négative qu'a l'enfant de lui-même renforce son sentiment d'inadéquation et d'incapacité à suivre le rythme des autres. Si vous vous...

Grazie Anna et grazie mille NeurOptimal®

Pour ce quatrième blog j'ai choisi de rapporter le témoignage d'Anna Specogna. Son histoire est celle d'un long et fatiguant voyage, mais qui grâce à NeurOptimal® a subi une accélération soudaine qui l'a amenée à réaliser son rêve, gagner au plus haut niveau de la compétition mondiale en patinage artistique. Sans NeurOptimal®, son talent serait resté inexprimé. NeurOptimal® transforme vraiment chacun en la meilleure version de soi-même ! Voici, selon les mots d'Anna, comment le...

Le neurofeedback non-linéaire NeurOptimal® : un outil puissant d’ancrage et de centrage

Martin Heidegger écrivait dans L’Être et le Temps: " Seul le présent est, l'avant et l'après ne sont pas ; mais le présent concret est le résultat du passé et il est plein de l'avenir. Le présent véritable est, par conséquent, l'éternité. " Cette idée reste abstraite pour beaucoup de monde, particulièrement dans notre société actuelle ou nous vivons en décalage par rapport à ce que nous avons de plus précieux, de plus perpétuel: Le présent. Nous vivons...

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