Work It: 4 Ways Neurofeedback Turbocharges Job Performance

neurofeedbackI learned a lot from my Russian roots. My genealogy is actually Scotch/Irish, but my Ph.D. work was in Russian Studies. Unlike Romance languages, Russian is a language “invented” by 19th century European linguists. The good news about that is Russian grammatical rules are logical – much like Latin. The bad news is, learning Russian is a lot like learning Latin.

Back to my roots: Russian is heavily based in word roots. In fact, finding the root is basically the only way to get an accurate translation. Studying a language this way clearly warped my brain, because I started doing the same thing in English. Take the word “organize”. It shares a common root with “organ” – as in, bodily or government regulation.  Another cousin, “organic” connotes something that is natural/non-artificial.

This etymological connection gets interesting in the context of business. The gold standard of “being organized” for executives involves both efficiency and an almost autonomic sense of task management. When it comes to running my own business, I’ve found neurofeedback to be a tremendously powerful organizing tool. In fact, I actually run neurofeedback sessions AS I WORK. Not only is my workflow faster during a session, but I find NeurOptimal®‘s brain training software boosts my creativity with on-the-fly problem solving. This is the stuff of a CEO’s dreams.

For business executives looking to boost their performance on the job, I can point to specific areas where I have experienced significant improvement:

IT’S HOW YOU KNOW – Remembering personal details about colleagues or clients communicates that you care. One programmer I did business with lived in a small town with a hockey team known as the Walleyes. Every time I emailed him, I’d close with a tongue-in-cheek “Go Walleyes!”. He knew I was kidding, but he also mentioned how impressed he was that I remembered such a seemingly insignificant detail. It told him I was making a genuine effort to connect. Neurofeedback training can help enhance memory so I can keep these small client details handy.

HAT MANAGEMENT – In this still-fragile economy, few workers have the luxury of focusing on a single task. Most of us “wear several hats” and work across many different specializations and tasks. For me, neurofeedback training helps enhance my versatility. I can tackle one task type that requires quick, spontaneous thinking or another task that requires more depth of thought (like blog writing!). Neurofeedback has helped me shift from very different kinds of tasks like this with tremendous dexterity.

WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRACTION – The prime danger of multi-tasking is distraction amidst an overwhelming incoming workflow. But it’s important to see each task through to its completion – no matter how compelling the distraction- and move on to the next. I find that the kind of cognitive brain training offered by neurofeedback is excellent for building up my resistance to distraction.  The enhanced concentration I get from a neurofeedback session helps me knock out my workflow, task by task.

FLEX-ABILITY – My business (social media) is a dynamic one in which the rules are constantly changing. When Google decides to alter their search algorithms or Facebook shifts their engagement rules, solutions that worked great five minutes ago are suddenly prehistoric. I spend a lot of time thinking on my feet and solving problems that arise within this constantly shifting environment. I actually consider this the “fun” part of my job because it requires tremendous creativity. Changing direction quickly means your brain needs to be flexible and adapt to new realities. I’ve always felt neurofeedback was great for this purpose. I’m not sure I would find this part of my job enjoyable if I was NOT training with neurofeedback!

If you want to get ahead in business; if you want to maximize your talents and creativity, look into neurofeedback!

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