New PASS Feature – Video Introduction

September 19th, 2018 – NeurOptimal® has released a new PASS feature for Find a Trainer listings: trainers with PASS may now include a video introduction* with their listing via a YouTube share link.

Many of you will agree that nothing helps your audience identify and relate to your business more than a solid brand video. A video puts a face to a name and allows an audience to see the genuine nature of your business and offering. People like to deal with people they can relate to, and having a video significantly increases their likelihood to deal with you.

In our continuing efforts to bring even more visibility to our Trainers, we are proud to introduce our new video option. All current PASS members listed on our website will have the possibility to promote their NeurOptimal® practice through video marketing on our popular Find a Trainer page!

Video content** is one of the top shared pieces of content on social media. If your video is relevant to your audience and resonates with them, they will share it with others who they think it will be useful for. Such organic targeting of individuals means your content will naturally reach the right people if it’s effective in its messaging. Our Find a Trainer page already enables our Trainers to reach a highly targeted audience in their area. By adding a video to your listing, this gives your message the opportunity to engage even more potential customers looking for sessions, rentals, or even looking to purchase.

Already listed on the Find a Trainer page?

If you would like to add a video, or simply update your profile to include recent certification or rental offer, please submit new information here:


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We’d love for you to join our growing community! Discover how the benefits of PASS can help!


If you own more than 3 systems and want to know about PASS Enterprise:


*All videos will need to be approved by our PASS department before being listed on the website to ensure consistency in the message and correct verbiage. Please do not list prices or special offers. The objective is to introduce yourself and your business and your value proposition.
**For those thinking about making a video, a good idea would be to refer to our Trademark and Logo Policy, just to make sure you’re on the right track!

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