Miriam Bellamy


Colorado, United States of America


Languages: English

I first came to NeurOptimal via The Bowen Center in D.C. I was attending a leadership conference, and realized I needed to do something different with my stress and my health. There was so much, it felt, holding me back from what I wanted to achieve and who I wanted to be. So I rented a system, and my whole family started with sessions. We saw dramatic shifts with both myself and my youngest, and I decided to start the business. I had already been in business for 21 years as a LMFT, so was very comfortable with the marketing and the relationship building. I rented my first systems out last November and December and haven’t looked back! Now that I’ve been invited to be a Sales Rep, I couldn’t be happier!

The more I learn about NeurOptimal, the more I see how perfectly it fits with the ideas I’ve been coming to over the past 21 years. I have the understanding that our bodies and brains are systems and that we live and breath in the context of emotional systems. NeurOptimal’s systemic approach is refreshing in a world that sees everything in linear terms. I look long and hard for like minded folks and feel I have found a home in NeurOptimal.

Miriam Bellamy

2627 Redwing Road, Ste 325, Colorado Fort Collins, United States

(303) 222-5118

[email protected] ww.wholefamilyneurofeedback.com/

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