Keren Gotsman Gryner

Representative, Instructor

Quebec, Canada


Languages: French, English

View English Bio

Entraîneur Cérébral certifié, Coach, Instructrice et Représentante pour NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback, j’ai découvert le bien être de soi en 2018.
Diplômée d’un BBA de Marketing International et d’une formation en décoration d’intérieur, je n’étais pas destinée à faire de l’accompagnement personnel, j’ai découvert une méthode qui a changé ma vie alors pourquoi pas celle des autres.Pour ce faire je me suis remise aux études, fait de nombreux stages, lu beaucoup et obtenu tous les diplômes nécessaires à la pratiquer.
Originaire de Paris et fièrement installée à Montréal depuis juillet 2017, j’ai été confrontée à un burn out, et l’un de mes fils à de gros problèmes comportementaux, de gestion émotionnelles et des colères fréquentes.IL FALLAIT TROUVER UNE SOLUTION
Sur les conseils d’une amie, coach à Paris, nous avons fait des séances de Neurofeedback dynamique®.
Après quelques séances les résultats étaient bluffants ! Il maîtrisait ses colères de mieux en mieux et même l’école avait approuvé une spectaculaire évolution.
Quant à moi, plus sereine j’avais enfin retrouvé un sommeil réparateur.
NeurOptimal® a changé nos vies alors pourquoi pas la vôtre.
Réalisant la puissance de ce système complètement non invasif et faire faire de la gymnastique à son cerveau, l’idée me plaisait.

Entourée d’une équipe de coachs qui partage ma vision du bien-être, nous accueillons également toutes les formations et ateliers que nous proposons.
Facilitatrice et Représentante, mon but est de développer Neuroptimal® et ses bienfaits tant au Québec que partout ailleurs.
La formation des nouveaux entraîneurs se fera en anglais et en français Je vous aiderais également à gagner en compétence tant dans votre rôle d’entraîneur, d’accompagnant que sur l’épanouissement de votre entreprise, de votre plan de communication ou des outils marketing dont vous avez besoin.
N’hésitez pas à me contacter, je serais ravie de vous accompagner dans votre développement personnel et ou professionnel.
Prenez soin de vous

Certified Brain Trainer, Coach, Instructor and Representative for NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback, I discovered self-care in 2018.
With a BBA in International Marketing and a background in interior design, I was not meant to do personal coaching, I discovered a method that changed my life so why not others.To do so, I went back to school, did many internships, read a lot and obtained all the necessary diplomas to practice it.
Originally from Paris and proudly living in Montreal since July 2017, I was confronted with a burn out, and one of my sons had major behavioral problems, emotional management and frequent tantrums.I HAD TO FIND A SOLUTION
On the advice of a friend, coach in Paris, we did Dynamical Neurofeedback® sessions.
After a few sessions the results were amazing! He mastered his tantrums better and better and even the school had approved a spectacular evolution.
As for me, I was more serene and finally had a good sleep.
NeurOptimal® has changed our lives, so why not yours?
Realizing the power of this completely non-invasive system and getting your brain to do gymnastics, I liked the idea.

IT WAS AN EVIDENCE, I HAD TO MAKE IT KNOWN After 3 years in NDG, STUDIOPTIMAL was born in Westmount.
Surrounded by a team of coaches who share my vision of well-being, we also host all the trainings and workshops we offer.
As a Instructor and representative, my goal is to develop Neuroptimal® and its benefits in Quebec and elsewhere.
Training for new trainers will be done in English and French.
I will also help you gain competence in your role as a trainer, as a coach, as well as in the development of your business, your communication plan or the marketing tools you need.
Do not hesitate to contact me, I would be delighted to help you in your personal and or professional development.
Take care of yourself

Keren Gotsman Gryner

Dynamical Neurofeedback & EFT Trainer
Neuroptimal® Representative & Instructor


4927B Rue Sherbrooke Ouest - Westmount, QC H3Z 1H2

(514) 927-2149

[email protected]

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Difficulty sleeping and generalized anxiety

October 6, 2021

I had such a great experience at K2G Neurofeedback! Keren is so kind and compassionate and she clearly cares greatly about her clients. Neurofeedback helped me personally with many issues, including difficulty sleeping and generalized anxiety. I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to make a positive difference in their life!

Kylie Goldman

Concentration and behaviour

October 6, 2021

I reached out to Keren at K2G Neurofeedback over a year ago when I was looking for an alternative therapy for sleep issues and migraines. I had gone through some medical treatments and was on medication that had negative side effects. I was waking up many times in the night and having trouble sleeping which led to chronic fatigue and general feeling of being down. I was also getting migraines at least once a week. After a series of sessions, the first thing to go was the headaches. Gradually my sleep started to improve and my mood lifted. My mind and my body feel much more in tune than ever before which gives me a general sense of well-being. Keren also takes the time to really make you reflect on what you’re looking to improve and what changes are happening during the sessions. I’m very grateful for all of the help and support:)

Finally…I also brought my 10 year old son who was having issues in school with concentration and behaviour and the improvements have been significant!

Best part is… we can now book double sessions so both my son and I can neurofeedback at the same time !

Audrey Abikhzer

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