
Susan Suarez

Representative, Instructor

Connecticut, United States of America


Languages: English

My name is Susan Suarez. I’m a registered nurse and a Dynamical Neurofeedback Trainer. I have had the opportunity to care for many clients with a wide array of conditions. Throughout this experience, I realized the majority of my clients had cognitive disorders which significantly impacted their lives. Many of my clients had a long list of medications which seemed to increase over time with no end in sight. Trying to assess the impact of these medications was an important part of my job. Very often there were unwanted symptoms or disappointing results and with limited solutions in the medical world, my clients were often frustrated and disappointed.

This experience ignited my interest in brain health and led to my journey seeking solutions and wholistic treatments that could bring my clients a more fulfilling, improved quality of life. I wanted to find an effective, efficient solution for people held back by cognitive issues. When I discovered NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback®, I knew this checked all the boxes. After using this with my family and clients, the results were and continue to be incredible and life changing. I founded NEUROTRAIN in order to provide the most cutting-edge brain training available today, helping my clients to reach their potential and life-long goals.

Susan Suarez

Westport, CT


[email protected]

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