Peteris Urtans
Representative, Educator
Latvia & Russia - Instructor

Languages: English, Pусский
Peteris is an occupational therapist working in the biofeedback and neurofeedback field since 2008.
He runs a very successful private practice in Latvia and has had experience with more than 5 000 clients and more than 15 000 hours of NeurOptimal® sessions.
He works with a vast array of people; ADHD, children with autism, depression, cerebral palsy, schizophrenia, stroke, the elderly, schools, professional athletes, the army, corporations and more.
He has given lectures on more than 50 different topics about brain function and Neurofeedback. He’s also helped to open practices in Latvia, Lithuania and gives consultations to clients in Estonia, Russia, Norway, Finland and the UK.
Петерис является профессиональным терапевтом, работающим в области биологической обратной связи и нейрофидбэка с 2008 года.
Он проводит очень успешную частную практику в Латвии и имеет опыт работы с более чем 5 000 клиентами и более 15 000 часов сеансов NeurOptimal®.
Он работает с огромным количеством людей; СДВГ, дети с аутизмом, депрессия, церебральный паралич, шизофрения, инсульт, пожилые люди, школы, профессиональные спортсмены, армия, корпорации и многое другое.
Он читал лекции по более чем 50 различным темам о функции мозга и Neurofeedback. Он также помогает открывать практику в Латвии, Литве и дает консультации клиентам в Эстонии, России, Норвегии, Финляндии и Великобритании.
Peteris ir profesionāls terapeits, kurš strādā bioloģiskās novērošanas un neirofidbeka jomā kopš 2008. gada.
Viņš ir ļoti veiksmīga privātā prakse Latvijā un ir guvusi pieredzi ar vairāk nekā 5000 klientiem un vairāk nekā 15 000 stundu NeurOptimal® sesiju.
Viņš darbojas ar lielu daudzumu cilvēku; ADHD, bērni ar autismu, depresija, cerebrāla paralīze, šizofrēnija, insults, veci cilvēki, skolas, profesionālie sportisti, armija, korporācijas un daudzi citi.
Viņš lasīja lekcijas vairāk nekā par 50 dažādiem tematiem par smadzeņu un neirofīdbeka funkciju. Viņš arī palīdz atklāt praksi Latvijā, Lietuvā un sniedz konsultācijas klientiem Igaunijā, Krievijā, Norvēģijā, Somijā un Lielbritānijā.
Content is available only for Instructor.
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I’m very happy that now almost 2 years I know Peteris. He is super kind and professional, Peteris has helped a lot for me to understand NeurOptimal and he encouraged me to buy my own system.
I have a good support from him and he always has a time for me if I have some questions and need help.
From client to Neuroptimal practitioner
There are people who influence our lives in a big time and Peteris is one of those people in my life. When I first did Neuroptimal sessions for myself, I had no idea that some day I will be working with it myself, but few years later, encouraged by Peteris I started to offer Neuroptimal sessions in London. I had no knowledge, no experience in the health field at all, but slowly I started to learn and become more confident in what I do. But this wouldn’t have happened without Peteris teaching and guiding me what to do and where to get the information, suggesting different cooperation options.
As a representative he has helped me so much, regardless of his busy schedule lecturing and running the clinic, he always returns the calls and replies to emails, he is so reliable and will make you feel like you are his only trainee. His kindness transforms people around him.
All I can say is a BIG THANK YOU PETERIS!