In loving memory of Georgios Trogadis,1938-2024

A few months ago, I lost my dad after a long and difficult battle with cancer. In the days following his passing, I felt totally disconnected. The loss had consumed me, and for a while, I didn’t turn to NeurOptimal® brain training, something that had always supported me through other challenges in life.

Some weeks later, when I finally resumed my brain training, something shifted. I became more in touch with my emotions and my grief. In a way, it almost felt good to sit with my feelings and reflect on the loss and the many good memories I shared with my dad. NeurOptimal® didn’t take away the pain—grief is not something that can just be “fixed.” Instead, it supported my ability to experience the grief more naturally, allowing me to process it as a part of life. I finally cried—a lot. I guess I needed to.

Through my Sessions, I came to understand that grief is not something to push away or hide from. NeurOptimal® helped me gain clarity and acceptance, making the pain easier to navigate, even though it didn’t lessen the intensity of the loss. I felt a sense of peace in knowing that my feelings were valid and that they were a part of the human condition—something we all face in our own time.

In this process, I also found contentment in the realization that my dad, at 86 years old, led a full life. His journey was one marked by love, success, and hardship. Reflecting on that gave me comfort—knowing that his life was rich and complete, even in its challenges. It reminded me that loss, as difficult as it is, comes to all of us at some point.

What stood out for me most was how NeurOptimal® helped me connect with my family. We were all grieving, each in our own way, but the Sessions helped me gain emotional clarity that deepened my connection with them. I realized that we were all sharing this experience together, each processing the loss at different levels, and that realization brought us closer. It helped me foster a deeper emotional connection with my family, understanding that grief is something that can bring us together.

This experience has taught me that while NeurOptimal® may not take away grief, it can help us process it more fully, allowing us to honour our loved ones and the memories we shared with them. It has been a vital part of my journey, helping me find comfort amidst the chaos and allowing me to move forward with a deeper sense of connection to myself, my family, and my emotions.

Thinking of you always, Patera.

Post Contributor

Jimmy Trogadis

Zengar® Team member and NeurOptimal® user

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