Peteris Urtans
Representative, Instructor
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
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Peteris Urtans is the head of the RigaBrain® Brain Training Center, where he has been utilizing innovative brain function technologies for over 15 years to enhance people’s quality of life. His work at RigaBrain® involves the use of NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback® technology, which aids in training and self-regulating the electrical activity in the brain. This means that the technology helps individuals achieve a more flexible and resilient brain, leading to better concentration, sleep quality, and motivation.
Peteris Urtāns is an occupational therapist specializing in psychiatry. His expertise in this field adds a significant depth to his work with brain training technologies. Before joining RigaBrain®, he worked at the Center against Violence “Dardedze” and the State Mental Health Agency (Riga Psychiatry and Narcology Center), gaining valuable experience in mental health and the various external and internal factors that can affect brain function.
He is actively involved in education and training, providing courses on brain function, the mind, productivity, personal growth, development, and cognitive processes. His approach combines theoretical knowledge with practical examples and the use of technology to ensure an effective learning process.
Moreover, he plays a key role in the sale of NeurOptimal® training systems and is a certified NeurOptimal® Basic Certification Instructor, offering training in Latvian, Russian, and English. Peteris has enhanced his professional knowledge through studies in the USA and Canada, where he learned the latest trends and methods in brain training.
Peteris Urtāns’ contribution at RigaBrain® Brain Training Center has been significant in improving the well-being and quality of life of many individuals. His dedication and expertise as an occupational therapist specializing in psychiatry, combined with his proficiency in NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback® technology, make him a distinguished figure in the field of brain training and mental health.
Петерис является профессиональным терапевтом, работающим в области биологической обратной связи и нейрофидбэка с 2008 года.
Он проводит очень успешную частную практику в Латвии и имеет опыт работы с более чем 5 000 клиентами и более 15 000 часов сеансов NeurOptimal®.
Он работает с огромным количеством людей; СДВГ, дети с аутизмом, депрессия, церебральный паралич, шизофрения, инсульт, пожилые люди, школы, профессиональные спортсмены, армия, корпорации и многое другое.
Он читал лекции по более чем 50 различным темам о функции мозга и Neurofeedback. Он также помогает открывать практику в Латвии, Литве и дает консультации клиентам в Эстонии, России, Норвегии, Финляндии и Великобритании.
Peteris ir profesionāls terapeits, kurš strādā bioloģiskās novērošanas un neirofidbeka jomā kopš 2008. gada.
Viņš ir ļoti veiksmīga privātā prakse Latvijā un ir guvusi pieredzi ar vairāk nekā 5000 klientiem un vairāk nekā 15 000 stundu NeurOptimal® sesiju.
Viņš darbojas ar lielu daudzumu cilvēku; ADHD, bērni ar autismu, depresija, cerebrāla paralīze, šizofrēnija, insults, veci cilvēki, skolas, profesionālie sportisti, armija, korporācijas un daudzi citi.
Viņš lasīja lekcijas vairāk nekā par 50 dažādiem tematiem par smadzeņu un neirofīdbeka funkciju. Viņš arī palīdz atklāt praksi Latvijā, Lietuvā un sniedz konsultācijas klientiem Igaunijā, Krievijā, Norvēģijā, Somijā un Lielbritānijā.
Peteris Urtans is a renowned NeurOptimal® Instructor and the Director of the RigaBrain® Brain Training Center. With over 15 years of experience in the field, he has become an authority in applying innovative brain function technologies to improve mental well-being and overall quality of life.
As a NeurOptimal® Instructor, Peteris specializes in teaching individuals and professionals how to effectively use NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback® technology. This technology focuses on enhancing the brain’s self-regulation capabilities, which has been reported to improve focus, better quality of sleep, and increased motivation. His role involves not only imparting technical knowledge but also ensuring that trainees understand the basic principles of the communication process of the central nervous system and the resilience of the NeurOptimal® system.
Peteris’ background as an occupational therapist specializing in psychiatry provides him with a unique perspective on mental health and brain function. This expertise is invaluable in his instruction of NeurOptimal® systems, as he can offer deep insights into how neurofeedback can be used in various contexts.
Before his tenure at RigaBrain®, Peteris worked in significant roles in mental health, including positions at the Center against Violence “Dardedze” and the State Mental Health Agency (Riga Psychiatry and Narcology Center). These experiences have enriched his understanding of the complex nature of mental health and the impact of brain training technologies in this field.
His commitment to education extends beyond NeurOptimal® training. Peteris is involved in a broader spectrum of training related to brain function, the mind, productivity, personal growth, and cognitive processes. He is known for his integrative approach that combines theoretical knowledge with practical application.
Peteris is also a certified NeurOptimal® Basic Certification Instructor, providing training in Latvian, Russian, and English. His professional development has been furthered by studies and training in the USA and Canada, where he gained insights into the latest developments in brain training technologies.
Peteris Urtans’ role as a NeurOptimal® Instructor is pivotal in disseminating knowledge about this cutting-edge technology. His contribution has significantly impacted both the field of neurofeedback and the lives of those who have learned and benefited from the NeurOptimal® system under his guidance.
Peteris Urtans
NeurOptimal® Representative, NeurOptimal® Instructor, Director of the RigaBrain® Brain Training Center
RigaBrain®, Riga, Latvia, Europe
Riga, Latvia, EU
371 27771821
371 29446669
[email protected] [email protected] www.RigaBrain.comBASIC CERTIFICATION LIVE/ONLINE IN RIGA, LATVIA
October 3 - October 4 | Official Zengar® Instructor : Peteris Urtans
Welcome to the NeurOptimal® Community! We are pleased you are considering our Basic course, where you will learn a variety of information including neurofeedback basics, the philosophy, the theory, the NeurOptimal® history, an introduction to how it works, running clients, and of course business basics for a…
November 4 - November 5 | Official Zengar® Instructor : Peteris Urtans
Welcome to the NeurOptimal® Community! We are pleased you are considering our Basic course, where you will learn a variety of information including neurofeedback basics, the philosophy, the theory, the NeurOptimal® history, an introduction to how it works, running clients, and of course business basics for a…
December 2 - December 3 | Official Zengar® Instructor : Peteris Urtans
Welcome to the NeurOptimal® Community! We are pleased you are considering our Basic course, where you will learn a variety of information including neurofeedback basics, the philosophy, the theory, the NeurOptimal® history, an introduction to how it works, running clients, and of course business basics for a…
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I’m very happy that now almost 2 years I know Peteris. He is super kind and professional, Peteris has helped a lot for me to understand NeurOptimal and he encouraged me to buy my own system.
I have a good support from him and he always has a time for me if I have some questions and need help.
From client to Neuroptimal practitioner
There are people who influence our lives in a big time and Peteris is one of those people in my life. When I first did Neuroptimal sessions for myself, I had no idea that some day I will be working with it myself, but few years later, encouraged by Peteris I started to offer Neuroptimal sessions in London. I had no knowledge, no experience in the health field at all, but slowly I started to learn and become more confident in what I do. But this wouldn’t have happened without Peteris teaching and guiding me what to do and where to get the information, suggesting different cooperation options.
As a representative he has helped me so much, regardless of his busy schedule lecturing and running the clinic, he always returns the calls and replies to emails, he is so reliable and will make you feel like you are his only trainee. His kindness transforms people around him.
All I can say is a BIG THANK YOU PETERIS!