Courses & Events


February 12 - February 13 | Official Zengar® Instructor : Perrine Jeangirard

Bienvenue dans la communauté NeurOptimal®! Nous sommes heureux que vous envisagiez notre cours de base où vous apprendrez une variété d’informations, y compris: la base du neurofeedback, la philosophie, la théorie, l’histoire de NeurOptimal®, une introduction au fonctionnement du système, comment faire des Sessions, et les principes de bases pour établir une entreprise NeurOptimal® fructueuse […]

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Courses & Events for March 8 - February 24

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February 16 - February 17 | Official Zengar® instructor : Doug West

Welcome to the NeurOptimal® Community! We are pleased you are considering our Advanced course. The Advanced Certification course provides eight hours of in-depth training in the advanced features of NeurOptimal® and enhances your skills as a Trainer to better assist clients. Topics covered range from the latest Dynamical Neurofeedback® approaches to establishing effective client relationships […]

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Courses & Events for March 8 - February 24

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February 17 - February 18 | Official Zengar® Instructor : Jake Robinet

Welcome to the NeurOptimal® Community! We are pleased you are considering our Basic course, where you will learn a variety of information including neurofeedback basics, the philosophy, the theory, the NeurOptimal® history, an introduction to how it works, running clients, and of course business basics for a successful office. The completion of this course grants […]

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Courses & Events for March 8 - February 24

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February 23 - February 24 | Official Zengar® Instructor : Maria Raposo

Bem-vindo/a à Comunidade NeurOptimal®! Temos todo o gosto em que considere o nosso curso Básico, onde adquirirá uma variedade de informações, incluindo os fundamentos do neurofeedback, a filosofia, a teoria, a história do NeurOptimal®, uma introdução ao funcionamento do sistema, a gestão de clientes e os fundamentos de um negócio NeurOptimal® bem-sucedido. No final deste […]

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Courses & Events for March 8 - February 24

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February 24 - February 25 | Official Zengar® Instructor : Nikki Sopchak

Welcome to the NeurOptimal® Community! We are pleased you are considering our Basic course, where you will learn a variety of information including neurofeedback basics, the philosophy, the theory, the NeurOptimal® history, an introduction to how it works, running clients, and of course business basics for a successful office. The completion of this course grants […]

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Courses & Events for March 8 - February 24

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February 26 - February 28 | Official Zengar® Instructor : David Douçot

Bienvenue dans la communauté NeurOptimal®! Nous sommes heureux que vous envisagiez notre cours de base où vous apprendrez une variété d’informations, y compris: la base du neurofeedback, la philosophie, la théorie, l’histoire de NeurOptimal®, une introduction au fonctionnement du système, comment faire des Sessions, et les principes de bases pour établir une entreprise NeurOptimal® fructueuse. […]

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Courses & Events for March 8 - February 24

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March 1 - March 2 | Official Zengar® instructor : Peteris Urtans

Welcome to the NeurOptimal® Community! We are pleased you are considering our Basic course, where you will learn a variety of information including neurofeedback basics, the philosophy, the theory, the NeurOptimal® history, an introduction to how it works, running clients, and of course business basics for a successful office. The completion of this course grants you a […]

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Courses & Events for March 8 - February 24

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March 1 - March 2 | Official Zengar® instructor : Doug West

Welcome to the NeurOptimal® Community! We are pleased you are considering our Basic course, where you will learn a variety of information including neurofeedback basics, the philosophy, the theory, the NeurOptimal® history, an introduction to how it works, running clients, and of course business basics for a successful office. The completion of this course grants […]

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Courses & Events for March 8 - February 24

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March 8 - March 9 | Official Zengar® instructor : Christina Rompa

Welkom bij de NeurOptimal® Community! Fijn dat je overweegt deel te nemen aan onze Basiscursus, waarin je een verscheidenheid aan informatie zult krijgen, onder andere over de basisprincipes van neurofeedback, de filosofie, de theorie en de geschiedenis van NeurOptimal® en een inleiding over hoe het werkt, het begeleiden van klanten en natuurlijk ook over de […]

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Courses & Events for March 8 - February 24

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March 8 - March 9 | Official Zengar® Instructor : Jennifer Tierney

We're excited to announce the first set of 2024 dates for our Neurofeedback fundraiser benefiting Spark the Change Colorado and educating about the unique benefits of Neurofeedback sessions. Join Jennifer Tierney, our founder of Parker Neurofeedback and COR Neuro, LLC on March 8th & 9th for special discounted sessions where we will be asking for […]

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Courses & Events for March 8 - February 24

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