Courses & Events


September 6 - September 7 | Official Zengar® instructor : Christina Rompa

Welkom bij de NeurOptimal® Community! Fijn dat je overweegt deel te nemen aan onze Basiscursus, waarin je een verscheidenheid aan informatie zult krijgen, onder andere over de basisprincipes van neurofeedback, de filosofie, de theorie en de geschiedenis van NeurOptimal® en een inleiding over hoe het werkt, het begeleiden van klanten en natuurlijk ook over de […]

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Upcoming Courses & Events › Netherlands

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October 4 - October 5 | Official Zengar® Instructor : Christina Rompa

Welcome to the NeurOptimal® Community! We are pleased you are considering our Basic course, where you will learn a variety of information including neurofeedback basics, the philosophy, the theory, the NeurOptimal® history, an introduction to how it works, running clients, and of course business basics for a successful office. The completion of this course grants […]

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Upcoming Courses & Events › Netherlands

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October 12 - October 13 | Official Zengar® Instructor : Christina Rompa

Welcome to the NeurOptimal® Community! We are pleased you are considering our Advanced course. The Advanced Certification course provides eight hours of in-depth training in the advanced features of NeurOptimal® and enhances your skills as a Trainer to better assist clients. Topics covered range from the latest Dynamical Neurofeedback® approaches to establishing effective client relationships […]

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Upcoming Courses & Events › Netherlands

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November 15 - November 16 | Official Zengar® Instructor : Christina Rompa

Welcome to the NeurOptimal® Community! We are pleased you are considering our Basic course, where you will learn a variety of information including neurofeedback basics, the philosophy, the theory, the NeurOptimal® history, an introduction to how it works, running clients, and of course business basics for a successful office. The completion of this course grants […]

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Upcoming Courses & Events › Netherlands

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